After the shift to local mail replicas, the IT team shifted back to a smaller number of Setup and Desktop policies by implementing one set of policies for each server. 将重心转移到本地邮件副本后,通过为每个服务器实现一套策略,IT团队将重心转移到更少量的Setup和Desktop策略。
Thanks to advances in replication, policies, and directory catalogs in recent versions of Lotus Notes ( V6.0 and later), local mail replicas are even easier to manage. 由于新版的LotusNotes(V6.0和更高版本)在复制、策略和目录编目方面进行了改进,所以本地邮件副本更易于管理。
Many organizations prefer to have their users work with local mail replicas for a number of reasons. 很多机构出于各种原因更希望他们的用户使用本地邮件副本。
The following sections review the implementation of policies specific to preparing the environment for local mail replicas. 以下部分将讨论策略的实现,这些策略特定于本地邮件副本环境的准备。
Many times, we hear people talk about local mail versus server-based mail. 我们经常听到人们谈及本地邮件和基于服务器的邮件。
A key factor in user satisfaction when working with local mail replicas is providing users with the ability to look up names in a directory when working offline. 使用本地邮件副本时,用户满意度的关键因素在于离线工作的用户能够在目录中查找名称。
If you already have a Setup policy established, you can alter it to incorporate the modifications specified here to enable the local mail replica configuration. 如果已经建立了Setup策略,那么可以将其变更为包含本文所指定的修改,以便启用本地邮件副本配置。
Don â™ t forget that the agent can also be enabled in the local mail file, which will not show up in the server "tell amgr schedule" command. 请不要忘记也可以在本地邮件文件中启用代理,这不会在服务器的“tellamgrschedule”命令中显示出来。
There are two types of policies used to initiate and maintain settings related to local mail replicas. 有两种策略类型可用于初始化和维护与本地邮件副本有关的设置。
This feature increases the user experience when working with a local mail replica. 此功能提高了用户使用本地邮件副本时的体验。
The environment contained one Desktop and one Setup policy prior to the decision to move to local mail replicas. 在做出迁移到本地邮件副本的决定之前,该环境包含一个Desktop策略和一个Setup策略。
This article presents a complete examination of the local mail replica model, focusing on the steps required to fully implement the environment both from a manual and automated process. 本文给出了本地邮件副本模型的全面分析,重点讨论了通过手动和自动方式完整实现环境所需的步骤。
In the previous sections of this article, we outlined how to manually configure the use of local mail replicas for users in your environment. 在本文前面章节中,我们简单描述了如何为您的环境中的用户手动配置本地邮件副本的使用。
This article discusses these additional enhancements and recommends ways to set up local mail replicas. 本文讨论了这些新增的增强功能,并推荐了一些设置本地邮件副本的方法。
The following example is intended to assist you in outlining a successful plan for deploying local mail replicas. 下面的示例将协助您制定出成功的计划用于部署本地邮件副本。
If the local mail replica model is the most appropriate for your environment, this article should minimize the issues, effort, and administrative process of implementing it. 如果本地邮件副本模型最适合于您的环境,那么本文最大限度地减少了实现中的问题、工作量和管理过程。
If the Notes client works with a local mail replica and has an open connection to the Domino server, the Domino server sends notification of new mail messages to the client. 如果Notes客户机与本地邮件副本一起使用,且开放连接到Domino服务器,则Domino服务器将发送新邮件消息通知到客户机。
While advances in replication and policies are very powerful features, the key to successfully implementing local mail replicas for users lies in the creation of a directory catalog. 虽然在复制和策略方面的改进是非常强大的功能,但成功实现用户本地邮件副本的关键在于创建目录编目。
Example for implementing local mail replicas 实现本地邮件副本的示例
Local mail database replication explained 对本地邮件数据库复制的说明
The following steps walk you through the creation of a Setup policy focusing on the elements specific to local mail replicas. 以下步骤大致演示了Setup策略的创建过程,重点是特定于本地邮件副本的元素。
This notification sent by the Domino server triggers the Notes client to replicate the mail file, bringing the new message into the local mail replica. 由Domino服务器发送的通知将触发Notes客户机来复制邮件文件,并将新消息带到本地邮件副本中。
By using a local mail file with the Notes client, much of the traffic between the client and DPAR is eliminated because the client navigates through the local mail file for most client activities. 通过使用Notes客户机的本地邮件文件,客户机和DPAR之间的许多流量都能消除,因为客户机通过导航本地邮件文件来进行大多数客户机活动。
For this test, we had100 percent of the users in the Lotus Domino directory configured for server-based mail files; in other words, none of the test mail users had local mail replicas. 对于这个测试,我们将LotusDomino目录中的所有用户配置为基于服务器的邮件文件,换句话说,没有一个测试邮件用户拥有本地副本。
In addition to these classifications, you also need to understand which workloads including the use of local mail replication and directory catalog can be offloaded to the Notes client. 除了这些分类之外,还需要理解哪些工作量(包括本地邮件复制和目录编目的使用)可以卸载到Notes客户机。
After the environment was shifted to local mail replicas, the IT team reduced the number of servers. 环境转移到本地邮件副本后,IT团队减少了服务器数量。
For the user to work with a local mail replica, modify the Location document within the Personal Address Book to use local resources on the workstation versus the server-based resources. 对于准备使用本地邮件副本的用户,请修改PersonalAddressBook中的Location文档,以便使用工作站上的本地资源和基于服务器的资源。
Local mail pickup is at 00, but if you prefer, I will contact a private delivery service. 国内信件收件是在三点,但如呆您要的话,我可联络私人递送公司。
The source code can be simple email delivery system to achieve local mail, similar to the BBS. 该源码可实现简单电子邮件收发系统,能实现本地邮件收发,类似于BBS。
Procmail is a local mail delivery and filter program. procmail是一个本地邮件分发过滤程序。